Web Content Management

Some thoughts about the Wix and WordPress kerfuffle

Last week, Wix engaged in some “guerilla marketing” by sending a number of prominent influencers some very nice Bose noise-cancelling headphones, and a link to a bizarre “secret” site with a “parody” video of a fictitious communique from “WordPress” to their users. Apparently there is another Wix vs. WP video out there – not linked […]

Web Content Management

Inherent conflicts in Web Content Management – Part 1: Visual design vs. Structured content

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single user in possession of a good CMS must be in want of a better CMS. (Yours truly – with apologies to Charlotte Brontë) I wrote last week on the topic of user satisfaction in WCM and how complicated it is to categorize and evaluate underlying data […]